I wait for you to come and save me
I Hope that you will come and show me
and tell me...
That you cant take me off your mind
That you were just scared to read the signs
That we could actually be something more then friends in love
Then I would tell all the things
That I have been to let you know
and we could actually be something more the friends in love

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

st.patties day :):)

Right now i am waiting for my dad to finish talking to the stupid bell people. because we ordered a new phone for my brother and i, and then they were like "hey we are stupid bitches. we should be fucks and not give them the right order." and then i was like oh bitch you did not send me the wrong phone, i wasn't aloud to get the phone i wanted (the double flip) so i am getting the same as Lindsay, only i am going to make mine all like hot :) i am going to put on those shit rinestones just to be cool... im such a dick, i am truly sorry for that profound language, oh god, i sound like a stupid JP. he is always like profound, but thats cool, because im not nearly as big a loser as him, and all his little loser friends, like MacNeal Darnley, (its the only friend i know of.. all his other friends he suposedly beats up, but i doubt it, he's scrony...) so yeah its st.Patricks day :) i enjoy this, because i saw the sound of music, but im not going to lie... it was bad... like well it wasnt bad, it just wasnt good. but yeah, so while we were leaving, i saw this guy who was like wearing a green suit, but he was in the window of a building (a buisness building) and he was like in the middle of a meeting or something. Its also my grandparents annaversay :)
thats cute, well i think, speaking of cute, yesterday i was baby sitting my sister 9it might have been today, i really cant remember) and then we were watching Zoey 101, and when they were kissing i was like yucky ;P and she was like no its beautiful and cute :)
and i was like AWE, thats so sweet, shes a cute kid.
I think my dad is off the phone.
So... yeah sound of music was not nearly as good as Jersey Boys :)
that was my love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, and i am love... yeah sorry i forgot my train of thought.
in the song love story i thought it said christmas not this mess. so i learned something today.


  1. Allie, i thought the sound of music was great!
    P.S. i was in a car crash, read my blog to find out more. :)

  2. i didnt like at allllllllllllllllll.
    well it was meh..
    car crah poorrrrr mitch :(


Seen your face
Yesterday I met you I just can't forget you baby (oh)
Your embrace
If the wrong were the right then the battles that we fight
Would be worth it
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
So good
Well i know sometimes
Ive made mistakes
Ive gone and choose the wrong way
But i need to to know
That ill always love and only need you