I wait for you to come and save me
I Hope that you will come and show me
and tell me...
That you cant take me off your mind
That you were just scared to read the signs
That we could actually be something more then friends in love
Then I would tell all the things
That I have been to let you know
and we could actually be something more the friends in love

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land upon the stars.

It feels like everyday is still becoming the same thing
Like i dont even want people reading this, it will waste there life.
me just bitching about,when people are dieing, and starving
and im lucky enough to have the dinner's i have.
Im used to putting on a happy face at school, and i am so tired of it,
last year was more like me.
I was so much sadder.
It's just like theres no point,
eventually we are all going to die, im not saying i want to die right now,
but im saying,
the clothes we buy, the way we act, it will all someday just be over,
so whats the point?
Buying expensive clothes to impress someone?
Thats like 100 dollars down the tube.
And then an education,
we get one, but then one day we die.
Simple favors can turn out to be the end of your life,
like look at the Holly Jones story.
her friend was scared of walking home alone, so she helps her walk home.
but then this crazy ass guy just kills her.
Imagine how it would feel if it was you she was doing the favor for,
she walks YOU home because YOU were scared.
Im not saying its the girls fault, im saying that whats the point if eventually we all die?
Some people say,
that if you live your life well,
then it doesnt matter when you die,
but what if you have a terrible life?
Are you expected to live forever?
Your not.
My mom had a decent life,
did she want to die? no, she didnt.

Well today, i didnt even bother leaving my room.
there is like no point.
I didnt pick up my guitar, i didnt turn on the music.
And then,
just noticing how dull life would be if we didnt have things like that,
today was so boring.
WOW, i have the biggest mood swings...
Like okay, i dont want to die, and i dont want it to happen anytime soon,
but the feelings inside me, feel like i already am.
I just hate people.
And once those people are out of my life, ill be fine.
But oh no.
Guess what,
im going to high school with them next year. I it when people act like they have the shittyiest life ever, when actually they have everything they want,
like this girl C she has everythign, she is pretty, she is smart, her parents are like always happy. But then oh wait a minute,
she likes to act, guess who else does... EVERYONE. but if someone else try's
then she acts like she is getting her glory taken away,
i have so much anger for this girl.
Its like in mean girls,
Lindsay Lohan doesnt like Ragina, but she just like has to?
you know what i mean? she cant help it, she just does,
but with me, its so annoying,
i tell everyone i hate her,
but then i hate being mean to people,
unless like i really dont care,
seriously i dont. Many people have seen me bitch out on people ALL THE TIME, but then i can be nice.

When i was dating mr.platnar,
i was taught a lesson,
"Shoot for the stars, because even if you miss you'll land upon the stars."
It was when i was confused about what was happening.
Like if we were going to just stay liking each other, or if we were ever going to actually "date"
and then, i did,
and i got what i wanted,
and then now looking back on it,
(not saying im going to stop liking him, because trust, i've tried, its pretty much impossibe.)
but if you just try,
or even think about it,
you will just be liek shwaa.
you know?

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Seen your face
Yesterday I met you I just can't forget you baby (oh)
Your embrace
If the wrong were the right then the battles that we fight
Would be worth it
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
So good
Well i know sometimes
Ive made mistakes
Ive gone and choose the wrong way
But i need to to know
That ill always love and only need you